Goddess Sister Circle
These Goddesses are priestess archetypes of your divine and true nature!
SATURDAY January 11 , 9-10:30AM
One new participant wrote; "That was absolutely lovely, powerful, wonderful, beautiful. Thank you so much Christine."
These Goddesses are priestess archetypes of your divine and true nature!
SATURDAY January 11 , 9-10:30AM
One new participant wrote; "That was absolutely lovely, powerful, wonderful, beautiful. Thank you so much Christine."
It's time
Ignite your Shakti
"If there is a future, it will wear a crown of feminine design. "
Aurobindo Ghose
"To look at another woman with inspiration rather than the green eyes of envy.
To love another woman as a sister, rather than seeing them as the enemy.
To remember we each hold a love so vast and powerful it could heal the World,
To realize within our femininity is a strength that can moves mountains,
That can either heal or crush another’s soul,
To take our responsibility as the wardens of Mother Earth as a privilege, rather than a burden.
To embrace and engage with the unspoken within and without.
To heal our wounds consciously for ourselves, our ancestors, future generations and one another.
To allow the feelings to flow through,
To be acknowledged and let go.
To observe, to speak from the heart,
To accept our vulnerabilities as strength,
Sister I see you as you speak your truth,
Sister I honour you as you claim who you are,
Sister I hold you as you rise to who you are destined to be.'
~Clare Deale
Colonialism has profoundly interfered with the matriarchal systems and traditional child rearing practices of Indigenous peoples. Despite this, Indigenous womxn are resilient; with mothers and matriarchs rising to the occasion to strengthen our communities and pass on their wisdom to generations to come. - Autumn Whiteway
Goddess remembrance is humanities doorway, your doorway to alignment with nature, attunement with purpose
and it offers us possibilities hidden in plain sight in our past and present
to reclaim a peaceful and global existence here on Earth.
This month we are celebrating Yakshinis. Yakshinis are female nature spirits in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain mythologies. They are often portrayed with flowers, trees, and snakes, which may represent the transfer of creative energy between nature and humans.
"The Goddess reveals herself as woman warrior, teacher, mother and consort. In different moods, she appears youthful, ancient, or ageless. These are actual dimensions of experience which can be entered by her devotees. She is divine creativity, evolutionary energy, timeless awareness, transcendent reality, and she is every woman.
She constitutes the feminine principle within male and female persons and also manifests the gender free feminine-self luminous Mother Wisdom, non dual awareness and bliss." -Lex Hixon
Are you looking to have struggle turn to grace, frustration to inspiration? This devi aids us in heart softening that turns to peace. You deserve for your heart and life to receive the same generosity it spills to others. As women, we all know this. May she empower us.
“If women don’t tell our stories and utter our truths in order to chart ways into sacred feminine experience, who will? It is stories women need. Stories give us hope, a little guidance, and a lot of bravery.”
— Sue Monk Kidd
Through myth we discover and uncover more about ourselves. The teachings of these deities has a sustainable impact. The stories remarkably fit in our modern day lives and offer us a window into our selves.
"A myth should not be regarded as fiction simply because it does not describe a historical event. As the Platonic philosopher Synesius of Cyrene put it, "Myths are things that never happened, but always are. "Indeed, a myth illustrates an elusive truths that are difficult to express by more conventional means, precisely because it ventures beyond the realm of fact and inti the realm of meaning. Open to multiple interpretations, a myth is valuable as a window through which ones own experiences of the world can be understood. Through symbolism, it plumbs the deeper level of the human psyche, and at one time myth may have functioned as an ancient form of psychology. Joseph Campbell identified the four functions of myth as inspiring a sense of awe, explaining the origin and nature of the cosmos, supporting the social order, and awakening individuals to their potential,
especially in the spiritual domain."~ Devadatta Kali
Each Goddess circle we will dive deeper into understanding the Goddess and how her
ancient stories and myths give us hope and strength in modern times.
This is not a yoga class, but a joining of sisters in circle of support and co creation.
We will ground, connect, write, dance and share.
While I am facilitating this event, I'm looking forward to us joining with the gifts we have to offer one another as a group.
Now is the time for us to take our seat, with our collective energy and feminine strength we can impact the world we live in.
It's time to gather together in the sanctuary of our homes and call in the divine feminine. We need some global healing and the feminine is the way toward a world with more balance. We need the feminine and the masculine to combine collectively. In ancient times when we were more in tune with this balance, life was more harmonious. What we need is harmony.
Let's gather and offer our strengths to one another, focus on community and share our riches about how we can cope and possibly even thrive in and through these times. We will have some open discussion and break it up with a dance session.
Create a comfortable space to sit in with space to get up and dance.
With the assistance of the Goddess, we will unravel her timeless, sustainable sense of healing, and
so beyond the borders of our gathering, waves of this can be felt throughout the world.
Wear comfortable clothing.
You are welcome to dress up for your sisters and yourself, to celebrate the divine feminine or
come in your pajamas with your hair in knots.
What to bring on Zoom;
A candle
Any sacred objects
Something to write on
make sure you have space to get up and dance
Your investment $20-$25
To reserve your spot, register below or by submitting payment to;
Venmo account, Christine-Moore-123 (below)
Paypal account: [email protected]
Meeting ID: 845 6581 4914
Passcode: 410113
Passcode: 410113
Why the Goddess?
A prerequisite read for Goddesses new to our Circles.
A portion of our sister circle is devoted to an education piece about a chosen Goddess of topic for each circle. She is seen in many cultures with many different faces. The Goddess to you may have a different face than the Goddesses we see in the mythologies I teach about. She may come to you as Mother Mary, or Brigitte. She may come to you as the fierce Kali or she may appear as the compassionate Quan Yin, or mother Gaia. She is the “one in the many.” When she comes, and she always seems to when she is needed, she will show up in a way you can relate to her. If you search your lineage, you are bound to find a mother divine, you will also discover a dark mother. No matter where in the world your ancestors flourished. There is no reason to force a particular iconography, she has many faces and she is in everything. She is the mother of the Universe, she is everywhere. You are free to imagine whatever form appeals to you if you cannot relate to the Goddess in the way I present her. Try to approach her with an open heart!
It’s important to note that sages, in deep meditation, no longer delineate between God/Goddess but rather they become one divine being, Tripura Sundari. This may be confusing, but the awareness is that we are not as separate as we think. I believe this may be why there is such a strong pull currently toward more openness in pronouns. We are culturally drawing more lines to get back to the concept that there are no lines.
I choose a Devi (Goddess) for each of our circles that I feel called to for support in the time and place where we are in mother culture. I know these often wild and very maternal deities’ attributes are sustainable in modern times. If you are unfamiliar with Hindu deities and have not been to any of our circles, a few references may not make sense to you or have the depth it will over time. This is hopefully not a deterrent to your participation.
Our circles offer a time to share and connect, write and dance, as well as some ritual. The Goddess of topic offers a way to reveal a deeper connection to the interior of self. I love the Hindu pantheon, as they are so multifaceted, there is one for any and everything. Often seeing her is like holding up a mirror and remembering a spark of your own experience and wonderment. She guides, guards and lights our way no matter our culture or religion.
She is Shakti, the primordial, UNIVERSAL consciousness/energy which gave birth to the universe and all of her creatures. Many people post the beginning of patriarchy, which has been in the forefront for only the past 5,000 years in human consciousness, believe in a male God. In Hindu mythology and many other earth based cultures, it takes both masculine and feminine to create. There is reverence for the feminine overlooked in patriarchal culture. My hope is to assist to reignite the divine feminine within, she is much needed to navigate the challenging climate in these times. If you have been considering participating in a Goddess Circle, I imagine you have heard a call.
Welcome. We embrace you and cannot wait to have you join us.
It’s important to note that sages, in deep meditation, no longer delineate between God/Goddess but rather they become one divine being, Tripura Sundari. This may be confusing, but the awareness is that we are not as separate as we think. I believe this may be why there is such a strong pull currently toward more openness in pronouns. We are culturally drawing more lines to get back to the concept that there are no lines.
I choose a Devi (Goddess) for each of our circles that I feel called to for support in the time and place where we are in mother culture. I know these often wild and very maternal deities’ attributes are sustainable in modern times. If you are unfamiliar with Hindu deities and have not been to any of our circles, a few references may not make sense to you or have the depth it will over time. This is hopefully not a deterrent to your participation.
Our circles offer a time to share and connect, write and dance, as well as some ritual. The Goddess of topic offers a way to reveal a deeper connection to the interior of self. I love the Hindu pantheon, as they are so multifaceted, there is one for any and everything. Often seeing her is like holding up a mirror and remembering a spark of your own experience and wonderment. She guides, guards and lights our way no matter our culture or religion.
She is Shakti, the primordial, UNIVERSAL consciousness/energy which gave birth to the universe and all of her creatures. Many people post the beginning of patriarchy, which has been in the forefront for only the past 5,000 years in human consciousness, believe in a male God. In Hindu mythology and many other earth based cultures, it takes both masculine and feminine to create. There is reverence for the feminine overlooked in patriarchal culture. My hope is to assist to reignite the divine feminine within, she is much needed to navigate the challenging climate in these times. If you have been considering participating in a Goddess Circle, I imagine you have heard a call.
Welcome. We embrace you and cannot wait to have you join us.
Sister, you are not alone! |
I see you and respect that your story is one I could never imagine.
We walk together as survivors in our process of our grief. Each one different and many startlingly similar. Our grief circles offer support, guidance and there is no hierarchy to the grief. We hold space for sisters with whatever kind of grief they hold. The feedback from these gatherings is amazing,
My life has been filled with grief & recovering and becoming resilient from loss and learning how to manage grief.
I have been called to assist others in this process in a rather organic throughout my life.
When I was 24, my best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. After 5 remissions, she lost her battle. I was devastated and lost and yet I had to pull it together to care for my young son. He was really my thread to sanity and after 7 years of therapy and grief work I was better able to manage my husbands death in 1996.
I still had a lot to process and eventually sought support again, not to mention reading every book about grief I could get ahold of. I lost a lover to suicide, my father to cancer and most recently a dear friend in a shooting in Boulder Colorado in March of 2021.
To look at another woman with inspiration rather than the green eyes of envy.
To love another woman as a sister, rather than seeing them as the enemy.
To remember we each hold a love so vast and powerful it could heal the world,
To realize within our femininity is a strength that can move mountains,
That can either heal or crush another's soul,
To take our responsibility as the wardens of Mother Earth as a privilege, rather than a burden.
To embrace and engage with the unspoken within and without.
To heal our wounds consciously for ourselves, our
ancestors, future generations and one another.
To allow the feelings to flow through,
To be acknowledged and let go.
To observe,
To speak from the heart,
To accept our vulnerabilities as strength,
Sister, I see you as you speak your truth,
Sister, I honor you as you claim who you are,
Sister, I hold you as you rise to who you are destined to be.
~ Clare Deale
To love another woman as a sister, rather than seeing them as the enemy.
To remember we each hold a love so vast and powerful it could heal the world,
To realize within our femininity is a strength that can move mountains,
That can either heal or crush another's soul,
To take our responsibility as the wardens of Mother Earth as a privilege, rather than a burden.
To embrace and engage with the unspoken within and without.
To heal our wounds consciously for ourselves, our
ancestors, future generations and one another.
To allow the feelings to flow through,
To be acknowledged and let go.
To observe,
To speak from the heart,
To accept our vulnerabilities as strength,
Sister, I see you as you speak your truth,
Sister, I honor you as you claim who you are,
Sister, I hold you as you rise to who you are destined to be.
~ Clare Deale